The Glue

By Jane Olivier



It was falling apart when we arrived -

separately, on different planes from

different destinations, time zones

and different worlds.


We didn’t know - and everything moved

like clockwork as if our arriving

held it together like haphazardly

applied glue – just for a bit –

for long enough.


And when our time was done, we said

goodbye – you leaving long before me;

but I felt comfortable waiting

as if by being in the almost

space you had left I could prolong

the moment – keep you close just a

little while more.


The time came for your plane to depart

and I whispered to an empty sky,

 ‘Hamba kahle ingelosi –

go gently, angel’.


But we hadn’t counted on Greece – or

perhaps Greece didn’t realise we were

the ones holding it together

even for a short while.


And together we left - separate

exits, separate planes, separate

destinations, to separate worlds.

We left as we had been for 6 days -

together; we held Greece together

just long enough.


Funny how things work.




          By Jane Olivier


I splinter through the door, mind shards

still scattered between qwerty, screen and space.

Time hangs suspended in the hourglass

unsure of which direction to flow.

Puddles avoid careless feet, birds pause flight,

stones roll down edges, leaves and flowers retract,

trees suck in waists, river reverses,

all roads hastily straighten curving spines.

Words control my head and, body detached,

there are days the world needs to deflect me.





By Jane Olivier



From the moment you see me hold me

with your eyes and I will draw you

to me with my smile until our arms can

take over. And as we walk


hold me with the sleeve of your shirt

as we move through places, both

hands occupied with things more

tangible though less important.

Just your sleeve - while between us


the hand of the breeze joins skin, caressing

your cheek with gentle fingers, its

palm against mine - the jogging rain

dropping its exertion into a

single pool until, now alone your


arms surround me, tucking me tightly

into all your spaces - brows, lips, hearts,

shadows - a giant oneness spectre.

Sighing souls at last a single

entity with phantom heartbeat


an uncontrollable longing come home,

wanting more needing more; ice melting

in heated ocean turmoiled into

deepening troughs towering crests

until together we break.